The Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms

IChoose the correct answer.

1. The VijayanagarEmpire was founded in the year_____________ .

a) 1337A.D. b)1336A.D.c)1338A.D.

2. The brothersHarihara and Bukka served under the Hoysala King _________

a)Vira Ballala-lll b)Narasimhan-ll c)Billiama-VI

3. The most famousking of the Vijayanagar Empire was __________ .

a) Harihara b)Bukka c) Krishnadeva Raya

4. The Muslimkingdom that rose to prominence in the Deccan in 1347 A.D. was the——–

a) Slave b)Vijayanagar c) Bahmani

5. Muhammad Gawanwas the Regent of ___________.

a)Muhammad Shah-Ill b) Hasan Gangu c) Ahmad Shah

IIFill in the blanks.

1. A group of eightscholars called Ashtadigagaias adorned the court of Krishnadeva Raya.

2.The Vijayanagar Empire reached its zenith of glory duringthe period of Krishnadeva Raya.

3. Ramaraya wasdefeated and killed in the Battle of Talaikotta

4. The BahmaniKingdom was founded by Hasan Gangu Bahmini.

5. The BahmaniSultans encouraged Arabic and Persian learning.

IIIMatch the following.

1. Vijayanagar – Southern bank of Tungabhadra

2. Battle of Talikota – 1565A.D.

3. Krishnadeva Raya – Ushaparinayam

4. Juma Masjid – Gulbarga

5. Golgumbaz – Bijapur

IVAnswer the following questions briefly.

1. When was theVijayanagar kingdom founded and by whom?

Answer:Harihara and Bukka served under the Hoysala King ViraBallala III. He founded the city of Vijayanagar on the southern banks ofTungabhadra in 1336 A.D.

2. Who were theimportant rulers of the Vijayanagar Empire?

The importantrulers of Vijayanagar Empire were

· Harihara-II,Devaraya-I,

· Devaraya-Ji,

· KrishnadevaRaya.

3. Write a shortnote on the Battle of Talikota.

· Thesuccessors of Krishnadeva Raya were weak.

· Duringthe rule of Ramaraya, the combined forces of Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golconda andBidar declared war on Vijayanagar. In the battle of Talikota in 1565 A.D.

· Ramarayawas defeated. He and his people were mercilessly killed.

· Vijayanagarwas plundered and left in ruins.

4.When and by whomwas the Bahmani kingdom founded?

· Thefounder of this dynasty was Hasan Gangu Bahmani.

v Hewas a Turkish officer of Devagiri. He established the independent Bahmanikingdom in 1347 A.D.

5.Name the fiveMuslim kingdoms that arose in Deccan at the end of Bahmani rule.

v Thefive Muslim Kingdoms Bijapur, Ahmednagar, Berar, Golconda and Bidar.

Answerin detail.

1. Discuss indetail about the glories of the Vijayanagar Empire.

Answer:The Glories of the Vijayanagar Empire


Ø TheVijayanagar rulers had a well organized administrative system.

Ø Theking was the fountain head of all powers in the state.

Ø Therewas a Council of Ministers to assist the King in the work of administration.

Ø TheEmpire was divided into six Provinces.

Ø EachProvince was under a Governor called Naik.

Ø TheProvinces were divided into districts which were further divided into smallerunits namely Villages.

Ø TheVillage Assembly carried on the administration of the villages through itshereditary officers like accountants, the weightsmen, watchmen and officersincharge of forced labour.

Ø TheCentral administration maintained contact with the villages through an officercalled Mahanayakacharya.


Ø Thearmy consisted of the infantry, cavalry and elephantry. The commander in-chiefwas in charge of the army.


Ø Landrevenue was the main source of income.

Ø Theland was carefully surveyed and taxes were collected based on the fertility ofthe soil.

Ø Greatattention was paid to agriculture and the construction of dams and canals.


Ø Theking was the supreme judge.

Ø Thecivil cases were decided on the basis of Hindu Law. Severe punishments wereinflicted on the guilty.

Ø Fineswere collected from those who violated the law.

Positionof Women

Ø Womenoccupied a high position and took an active part in political, social andliterary life of the empire.

Ø Theywere educated and trained in wrestling, in the use of various weapons ofoffence and defence, in music and fine arts.

Ø Someof them received education of high order.

Ø Nunizwrites that the kings had women astrologers, clerks, accountants, guards andwrestlers.


Ø Weget a clear picture of the life of the Vijayanagar people from the writings ofthe foreign travellers.

Ø Thesociety was well organized.

Ø Childmarriage, polygamy and sati were prevalent.

Ø Hekings allowed freedom of religion.


Ø Theempire of Vijayanagar was very rich and prosperous. The agricultural productionwas increased by their irrigational policies.

Ø Numerousindustries such as Textiles, mining, metallurgy and perfumery existed.

Ø Theyhad commercial relations with the islands in the Indian Ocean, the MalayArchipelago, Burma, China, Arabia, Persia, South Africa, Abyssinia andPortugal.

Ø Thechief articles exported were spices, cereals, cotton, silk, opium, indigo, seapearls, saffron, ginger, sugar, coconuts, etc. The articles imported werehorses, elephants, copper, coal, mercury, China silk and velvets.

2. Give anaccount of the political history of the Bahmani Kingdom.

Answer:The founder of this dynasty was Hasan Gangu Bahmani.

v Hewas a Turkish officer of Devagiri.

v Heestablished the independent Bahmani kingdom in 1347 A.D. He captured the entireterritories from Mahur in north-east to Telangana in the south.

v Hedefeated the Hindu ruler of Warangal and annexed Kolhapur, Goa, Mandu andMalwa.

v Thushis kingdom stretched from the Arabian sea to the Bay of Bengal and includedthe whole of Deccan upto the river Krishna with its capital at Gulbarga.

MuhammadShah-I (1358- 1377.A.D.)

v Thenext ruler was an able general and administrator. He defeated Bukka-I the rulerof

Vijayanagar andKapaya Nayaks of Warangal.

MuhammadShah – II (1378- 1397.A.D.)

v Hewas peace loving and hence he developed friendly relations with his neighbours.

v Hebuilt many mosques, Madarasas (a place of learning) and hospitals.

v Onthe death of Muhammad Shah-ll, Feroz Shah Bahmani (1397-1422 A.D.) became theruler.

v Hewas a great general.

v Hedefeated Deva Raya I, the Vijayanagar ruler.

v Herecruited a number of Hindus in his services.

v Towardsthe end of his rule, he lost the northern and southern provinces of his kingdomto Vijayanagar.

AhmadShah (1422-1435 A.D.)

v SucceededFeroz Shah Bahmani.

v Hewas a cruel and merciless ruler.

v Heconquered the kingdom of Warangal and changed his capital from Gulbarga toBidar.

v Hedied in 1435A.D.

MuhammadShah-Ill (1463- 1482 A.D.)

v Wasanother notable Bahmani ruler.

v Hebecame the Sultan at the age of nine in 1463A.D.

v MuhammadGawan became the regent of the infant ruler.

v Underhis able guidance the Bahmani kingdom became very powerful.

v MuhammadGawan defeated the rulers of Konkan, Sangameshwar, Orissa and Vijayanagar.

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