Ichoose the correct answer
1. The middleperiod or the medieval period extended from the 8th to 18th century.
2. The founder ofthe dynasty was Nagabhatta II.
3.Dharmapala founded the famous university at Vikramasila.
4. The mostimportant ruler of the chauhan dynasty was Prithiviraj.
5. The capital ofthe paramaras was at Dhara.
1. The Prathiharasalso known as Gujarat Prathiharas.
2.Gopala extended his power over Magadha.
3. The NalandaUniversity renovated by Dharmapala.
4. Raja Bhojaconstructed a beautiful lake near Bhopal.
5. Bhaskaracharyawrote siddhantha shoromani a book on Astronomy.
IIIMatch the following:
1. Khajuraho temple– kanauj
2. Chand Bardai –Prithivi Raja Raso
3. Rajasekara –Karpura manjari
4. Sun Temple –Konark
5. Dilwara temple –Mount Abu.
IVAnswer the following:
1.How is the medieval period of Indian History classified?
· EarlyVedic period – (8th -12th) century.
· LaterVedic period – (13th -18th) century.
2.Name any four Rajput clans which ruled over north India.
· ThePrathiras of Avanthi
· ThePalas of Bengal
· TheChauhans of Delhi.
· TheRathors of kanauj.
3.Write a note on the nature of the rajputs.
ü TheRajputs were great warriors and chivalours by nature.
ü Thewomen preferred death to dishonor.
ü Theywere educated and were highly honoured in society.
ü Theytook part in public life and wars.
ü Women”sperformed sati and jachar to protect themselves from the hands of
the enemies and toavoid dishonour.
4.What was the contribution of the chandellas to temple architecture?
The Khajuraho groupof temples, the hingaraja temple at Bubaneshwar, the sun temple at
Konark and theDilwara temple at mount Abu are the contribution of the Rajputs.
5.Who was the founder of swisodiya dynasty? Where was its capital?
ü BapaRawal was the founder of the swisodiya dynasty.
ü Theircapital was Chittor.
VAnswer in detail:-
1.The origin of the Rajputs and their struggle for supremacy.
The 12th centurythe destiny of India was mostly in the hands of various Rajput
Originof the Rajputs.
· Theorigin of Rajputs is an insolved mystery.
· TheRajputs were decendants of LordRama or Lord Krishna.
· AncientKshtriya families.
· Agrikula.
Strugglefor supremacy:-
· Duringthe Rajput period there were nearly 36 Rajput clans ruling over north India.
· Afew of them were the Prathiharas, Palas, Chauhans,Tomars, Chandellas and Paramaras.
· Therewas no strong central authority.
· Theylacked unity and struggled with one another.
2.What were the contributions made by the Rajputs in various fields?
Languageand literature:
· Duringthe Rajputs period, regional languages like Marathi, Gujarathi and Benali werewell developed.
· TheBhabti saints and the folk singers played a major role in the development ofregional languages.
· Someof the literary works of the period are kalhanas Rajatharangini, Jayadevas Gitagovindham, Somadevas kathasaritasaar, Bhaskaracharyss Siddanta shiromani andRajasekaras karpuramanjari and Bala Ramayana.
Artand architecture:
· Mural paintings and miniature paintings became popular during the Rajput period.
· Thekhajuraho group of temples, the lingaraja temple at Bhubaneshwar, the suntemple at konark and the Dilwara temple at Mount Abu are the fine specimans ofthe temple architecture of the Rajputs.
· TheKhajuraho temples attract tourists from India and abroad.
· Theybuilt forts at Jaisalmar, chittor, Mandu, Jodhpur and Gwalior.