I.Choose the correct answer:
1. The Earth isinclined at an angle of —— degree
23 1/2
2. Rotation resultin ———
Day and Night changes
3. In a leap yearsFebruary has ————- days.
II.Answer the following:
1. Why does day andnight changes happen?
Ø Theearth takes approximately 23 hours and 56 minutes for one rotation on its axis.
Ø Thismovement is called rotation.
Ø Itcauses day and night.
2. When it issummer in the northern hemisphere, why it is winter in the southern hemisphere?
§ Theseasons are not same everywhere on the earth.
§ Ifit is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southernhemisphere.
§ Andif it is summer in the southern hemisphere, winter in the northern hemisphere.
§ Hencethere is reversal of the seasons.
3. Why do the poleshave six months of day and six months of night?
§ Theinclination of the Earth’s axis not only causes seasonal changes but there issomething amazing about it.
§ Atthe poles there are six months continuous daylight and six months of continuousdarkness.