I.Choose the best answer:

1. The one whobuilt fort Pataliputra


2. The book writtenby Megesthanese


3. Ashoka ascendedthe throne in


4. The place wherethe Third Buddhist Councils held


II.True or False:

1. Selucas Nikatorwas the ambassador of Megasthenese (True)

2. Mahapadmanandawas the first king of Nanda dynasty (True)

3. Ashoka refuseddharma Vijaya and accepted Dig Vijaya (False)

4. Ashoka was thefirst one to establish a welfare state for people (True)

5. Mahedra spreadBuddhism at Ceylon (True)

III.Answer the following:

1. How did theMahajapadas establish themselves?

· Atthe end of the Vedic period, the Janapadas fought with each other for the newfertile lands and mineral wealth.

· Ultimatelythe small Janapadas either defeated or joined themselves with the Mahajanapadas

· Therewere 16 powerful Mahajanapadas in north India during the period of Buddha

· TheMagadha defeated others and became the most powerful Mahajanapadas.

2. To whom does thecredit go in establishing the first empire in India? Explain

· Thecredit goes in establishing the first empire in India to Chandragupta Maurya.

· Herevolted against the last Nanda king Dhana Nanda defeated him and took over theMagadha dynasty

· Hedefeated Selucas Nikator and annexed Afghanistan and Gandhara with his empire.

3. Ahoka was theone who established an Empire for the welfare of the People-Why?

· Ashokaconstructed inns and hospitals for everyone irrespective of caste and creed.

· Medicalassistance was given to cattle.

· Sacrificeswere banned.

· Thelaws were altered on humanitarian basis.

· Heappointed Dharma Mahamatras to help the people.

· Sohe was the first emperor who established the welfare state for people.

4. What are thecauses for the change in Ashoka’s life?

· Ashokawaged a terrible war against Kalinga which was separated and annexed with theMauryan empire.

· Ashokawas so upset and grief sticken at the sight of the war due to bloodshed.

· Hetook pledge that he would never wage a war again.

· Thiswar was a turning point in his life.

· Hegave up war and followed the policy of non-violence.

5. Explain theinscriptions used in the stone edicts of Ashoka.

· Ashoka’sroyal proclamation and messages are inscribed on the walls of the caves, stonepillars and rocks that are kept all through his empire.

· Mostof them are written in Prakrit, kharoshti in North western India.· These edicts depict Ashoka’s humanitarian love and non-violence.

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