I.Fill in the blanks:-

1. A material whichis found in nature and is useful to human is called___________.

Ans : Resource.

2. Minerals onceextracted cannot be____________.

Ans : Replaced.

3._____________play a very important role in the economic development of acountry.

Ans : Powerminerals

4. Uranium is a__________ minerals.

Ans : Nuclear

5.______________have ebormous potential to develop solar power.

Ans : Tropicalregions

6. Resources areclassified into __________ and __________ resources.

Ans : Potentialand developed

7. On the basis ofrenewability resources are classified into ____________ and ____________resources.

Ans : Renewableand non-renewable

8. Minerals areclassified into __________ and _____________ minerals.

Ans : metallicand non-metallic

9. India’s largestoffshore oil fuels is in Mumbai High.

Ans : MumbaiHigh.

II.Choose the correct answer:-

1. Resourcesalready in use by humans are called

a) Developed               b) Potential                  c) Flow resource

Ans : a) Developed

2. Minerals areresources.

a) Renewable               b) Non – renewable     c) Biotic

Ans : b) Non –renewable

3. A major user ofwind energy in the world is

a) Europe                     b) South America         c) Antarctica

Ans : a) Europe

4. Type of Coalmined our state is

a) Lignite                     b) Anthracite                c) Graphite

Ans : a) Europe

5. The largestHydro electric Power project of India is

a) Bakra nangal            b) Mettur                      c) Damodar

Ans : a) Bakranangal

6. Lignite is alsocalled _____________.

a) Brown coal              b) Black Coal              c) Brown Coal

Ans : c) Brown Coal

7. In Tamil Nadu,Lignite is mined at ______________.

a) Neyveli                    b) Nilgiris                     c) Salem

Ans : a) Neyveli

8. In India majoroil fields are found in ______________.

a) Orissa                      b) Assam                     c) West Bengal

Ans : b) Assam

9. The delta areain TamilNadu where petroleum is found is_____________.

a) Vaigai          b) Cauvery       c) South Pennar

Ans : b) Cauvery

10. The world’slargest producer of nuclear power is _____________.

a) UK b) USA c)Japan

III.Match the following:-

1. North Sea – a)Nuclear Power

2. Avalvaimozhi –b) Oil fields

3. Oil and coal –c) Yangtze

4. Three Gorges dam– d) Fossil fuel

5. Thorium – e)Wind farms

Ans : 1 – B, 2 – E,3 – D, 4 – E, 5 – A

IV. Write brief answers:-

1. Define a) Non – renewable resources and b) Potentialresources.

a) Non renewable resources

i) Non – renewable resources are exhaustibleresources because nature has a fixed stock of these resources.

ii) They are consumed faster than nature canreplace them.

iii) Minerals are non-renewable resourcesbecause once they are extracted they cannot be replaced.

iv) Metallic minerals are examples ofnon-renewable resources.

b) Potential resources

i) Potential resources are those resourceswhich have not yet been utilized by human.

ii) Resources of Siberia and Antarctica areexamples potential resources.

2. Write about winds energy.

i) Wind energy is generated by using the windto run turbines areas where there is constant flow of wind.

ii) Europe is a major user of wind energy.

iii) Twenty percent of Denmark’s electricitycomes from wind power.

iv) In India Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu havedeveloped wind Power.

v) In Tamil Nadu a large number of wind millsare found is Aralvaimozhi.

3. Why should we use resources wisely?

i) We should use non-renewable resourceswisely because they cannot be replaced.

Nature has a fixed stock of these resources.

4. What are the three spheres that supportthe Biosphere?

They are Lithosphere or land the Hydrosphereor water and the atmosphere or the air that envelops the earth.

5. Mention the major oil fields of India.

i) In India Assam stands first in oil fields.

ii) Offstone oil fields are found in MumbaiHigh.

iii) In Tamil Nadu oil fields are found inthe Cauvari basin.

6. Mention the places where nuclear powerstations are located in India.

In India nuclear power stations are locatedat Madras, Rajasthan, kaiga, Tarapura, kakrapara and Narora.

V. Answer the following questions in detail:-

1. Explain the formation of Cool and Oil.


i) Coal is called a “fossil fuel” because itwas “formed many million years ago.

ii) Large forests were buried in Sedimentarybasins by geological processes.

iii) Over time the buried plant matter gotconverted into coal due to pressure and heat.

iv) Coal fields are found largely in USA,Russia, Germany and the U.K.


i) Oil is usually found in some strata ofmarine sedimentary rocks like mudstone, shale sandstone.

ii) The remains of Plants and Calcareousanimals (Shelled animals) which buried in the earth were subjected to heat andPressure.

iii) They changed into oil. This oil is foundtrapped in the pore spaces of the rocks.

2. Write an account of renewable resources.

i) Renewable resources are those which areinfinite or are constantly renewed by nature.

ii) They continue to be available even aftera part of it is consumed.

iii) Hydro – electric power, Solar power andwind energy are important renewable resources.

Hydro– Electric Power:

i) Hydro – electric power is the mostdeveloped source of renewable power.

ii) It is generated from falling water.

iii) Hydrological power is used extensivelyin many parts of the world where there are large rivers.


i) Solar energy is use to light homes,building and heat water.

ii) photovoltaic cells are required to stonethe sun is energy.

iii) Germany is the world’s largest producerof Solar power.

iv) Tropical regions have anommous potentialto develop solar power.

Windenergy :

i) Wind energy is generated by using the windto run turbines in areas where there is constant flow of wind.

ii) Twenty percent of Denmark’s electricitycomes from wind power.

iii) Europe is the major user of wind energy.

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