I.Fill in the blanks:
1. The rise inPopulation has been steadily rapid since _________.
2. The birth rateis the number of line births in a year for every ________ people of the totalPopulation.
3. The worldpopulation reached 6 billion in the year_________.
4. ____________ andhuman factors affect the distribution of people across the world.
5. Populationdensity is calculated dividing the number of people in a country by the_________ of the country.
6. The growth ofpopulation depends on the _______rate and ________rate.
7. When the birthrate is low and the death rate is how the population will_____________.
8. The differencebetween the birth rate and the death rate is termed as _____________.
9. Developingcountries have ___________ death rates and _________ birth rates.
II.Choose the correct answer:
1. When birth ratesare high and death rates are __________ the population of an area willincrease.
a) High b) Low c)Stable
2. About 90% of theearth’s people line on ___________
a) 10 b) 20 c) 25
3. _____________ isconsidered the most densely populated country.
a) China b) Mexicoc) Bangladesh
4. Areas with____________ climates tend to be sparsely populated
a) Favourable b)Extreme c) Cool
5. ________ withstable government has high population density
a) Afghanistan b)Egypt c) Singapore
III.Match the following
1. 1804 | a) Low Population density |
2. Monaco | b) Least density of Population |
3. Low birth rate and | c) 1 billion Population high death rate |
4. Australia | d) Population decline |
5. Germany | e) High Population density |
IV.Answer briefly
a) Birth rate:
Birth rate is thenumber of line births in a year for every 1000 people in the total population.
b) Death rate:
Death rate is thenumber of deaths in a year for every 1000 people in the total population.
c) Population density:
Population densityis defined as the number of people per sq.km. It is calculated by dividing thenumber of people of a country by the area of that country.
2.How does climate affect population distribution and density?
i) Areas withfavourable climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain andheat to grow crops . Eg. India
ii) Areas withextreme climates are sparsely populated because the conditions are not suitablefor living.
Eg. The hot Saharadesert and extremely cold areas like Greenland.
1.Give a detailedaccount of the world’s population growth?
i) World’spopulation has been growing rapidly since 1950.
ii) Theimprovements in medical care, health, flood control and fire protection etc.,helped to control the natural loss.
Thus started lowdeath and increase in births.
iii) The growth ofpopulation or the natural increase of population depends on the birth rate anddeath rate.
iv) When birthrates are higher than death rates, the population will increase.
v) When the birthrate is low and the death rate is high, the population will decline.
vi) Differentcountries are at different stages of population change.
vii) The developedcountries of the world have low birth and death rates.
2.What are the different human factors that affect population density? Explain.
Political, Socialand economic factors affect population density. Those are called human factors.
Political factors
i) Countries withstable governments tend to have a high population density. Example : Singapore
ii) Countries withunstable as people move away
Example : Afghanistan
Social factors
Groups of peopleprefer to time close to each other for security. Then there will be highdensity of population.
Example : USA
Some groups ofpeople prefer to be isolated. Then these will be low density of population.
Example : Scandinavians
Economic factors
i) Good jobopportunities cause high population densities, particularly in large cities inboth the more economically developed.
Example : Tokyo