I.Fill in the blanks
1. The ___________population puts a lot of pressure on the available resources like land andwater.
2. By 2025____________ billion people will be affected by severe water scarcity.
3. _____________affects a large number of people living 110 countries.
4. In thedeveloping countries 95% of the sewage is let into __________.
5. The first IndianRemote sensing satellite IRS IA was launched in ____________.
6. India has 20percent of the earth’s population.
7. 35percent of the earth’s land surface is threatened by desertification.
8. Desertificationaffects a large number of people living in 10 countries.
9. Sputnik I waslaunched in 1957.
10. The first IndianRemote sensing satellite was IRSIA.
II.Choose the correct answer
1. Fresh water ofthe Earth is only
a) 30% b) 0.03% c) 3%
2. Droughts erosionand global warming are caused due to
a) Deforestation b)Afforestation c) Hunting
3. The firstartificial satellite launched by the Soviet Union was________
a) Sputnik I b) Sputnik II c) Kitsat
4. India has 20% ofthe population but the water available is __________
a) 5% b) 4% c) 20%
5. Water table islowered when the ___________ activity increase
a) Mining b) Huntin c) Fishing
III.Match the following
1. Agricultural –a) Semi – arid – lands
2. Desertification– b) France
3. Commercialenergy – c) Steady growth population
4. LANDSAT – d)Coal and Oil
5. SPOT – e) USA
IV.Answer briefly
1.What are results of over exploitation of resources?
The overexploitation of resources results in water scarcity, deforestation,desertification, food shortages exhaustion of minerals and population.
2.Write the impact of over population on water resources
i) Water use hasgrowing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last country.
ii) Increasingpopulation over exports and pollutes the surface and underground water.
iii) The water ispolluted by Industries. In the developing countries 95% of the sewage is letinto rivers.
iv) As the pressureon the water resources intensifies, it lead to tension and conflicts amongusers.
v) By 2025, fivebillion people will be affected by the severe water scarcity.
3.Write the ill effects of over –Population in the developing countries.
i) Over populationputs a lot of pressure on the available resources like land and water.
ii) Growingpopulation put a strain on the local environment and the limited resources.
iii) Thesecountries that struggle to meet the growing demands for food, fresh water,timber and fuel alter the fragile environment.
4.Name the satellites use for earth resources.
i) LANDSAT of USA,SPOT of Pranee KITSAT and yagan of china are important satellites.
ii) India’s firstRemote sensing satellite was IRSIA.
iii) IRSIB, IC, ID,P3, P5, P5 CARTOSAT and RESOURCE SAT are other satellite of India used ofrobserving earth’s resources.
V.Answer in detail
1.Discuss the Utilization of resources in the developing and developed countries.
i) The increasedpopulation puts a lots of pressure on the resource like land and water.
ii) The populationincrease but the amount of a natural resources remains finite.
iii) Utilization ofresources is a common process with both the developers countries and thedeveloped countries.
i) Developingcountries with large and growing population put a strain on the totalenvironment and limited resources.
ii) These countriesthat struggle to meet the growing demands for food, fresh, water, timber andfuel after the fragile environment.
Developed Countries
i) Populationpressure in developed countries put a greater strain on global resources andthe Environment because of their very high standard of living.
ii) Large andincreasing population results in greater pressure on the limited resources.
iii) The overexploitation of resources results in water scarcity, deforestation,desertification, food shortages, exhaustion of minerals and pollution.
2.Large and increasing population exerts pressures on the limited resource’sexplain?
i) Large andincreasing population results in great pressure on the limited resources. Sothere is over – exploitation of resources.
ii) The over –exploitation of resources results in water scarcity, deforestation, foodshortages, exhaustion of minerals and pollution.
i) Water demandexceed water supply
ii) There islimited supply of fresh water
iii) Increasingpopulation over – exploits and pollutes the surface and underground water.
iv) Water is pollutedby Industries
v) Sewage is letinto the rivers.
vi) The morepressure on water resources leads to tensions and conflict among users.
Food supply and land availability
i) As populationincreases food supply has to increase
ii) But existingfarmlands decline because of changing land uses
iii) To overcomethe shortage of land, man has to clear forests for cultivation.
i) Eighty persentof the world’s natural forest is destroyed by human development activities weelogging, clearing for agriculture and grasing.
ii) Deforestationresults in droughts, Soil erosion, flooding and global warming.
i) 35% of theearth’s land is threatened by desertification
ii) It effects alarge number of people living in 110 countries. Desertification occurs in thesemi-arid lands and desertification in impossible to reverse.
I) Minerals aremined for greater depths.
ii) This increasesground pollution and lowers the water table.
i) As fuel likecoal, oil and natural gas are nonrenewable resource there is a decline in theavailability of these fuels.
Land degradation
The land isaffected by landslides induced by massive deforestation, Soil erosion, declinein Soil fertility, extensive water logging and Stalinization in irrigatedareas, Unscientific mining quarrying, road building and waste disposal.
3.How are remote sensing satellites helpful in managing resources?
i) As populationincreasing humans have to find ways and means of finding additional resourcesof minerals and ground water.
ii) This requiresunderstanding of the distribution and availability of natural resources overthe earth.
iii) Earthobservation satellites or Remote sensing satellites help in finding andmanaging resources.
iv) Remote sensingsatellites play an important role in natural resources.
v) Important remotesensing satellites are LANDSAT of USA, SPOT of France, KITSAT of Korea andyoagon of china.
vi) The firstIndian remote sensing satellites IRSIA was launched in 1988 it was followed bya number of other satellites IRS-IB,1C,1D,P3 etc.,
vii) The remotesensing data provide valuable information about land resources such as geology,sol, vegetation cover, water bodies and minerals.
viii) Thisinformation helps countries to plan for a sustainable future.