I Choose thecorrect answer:

1.A Political partycreates ———- awareness.


2.Bi- party systemexists in ———–


3.A party which isrecognized as a state party in ——— states is a national party.


4.—————form the backbone of democracy.

Political parties.

II.Fill in the blanks

1.In a democracy,the citizen is both the ruler and ———


2.Political partieshelp in forming ———- opinion.


3.political partiesserve as a link between the ———- and the government.


4.The countryhaving the larest number of political parties is ——–


5.Large andestablished parties have unique ———


III.Answer the following question:-

1.Give Abraham Lincolns definition for democracy.

According toAbraham Lincoln:

“Democracy is thegovernment of the people, for the people and by the people”.

2.What is a political party?

A political partyis a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold powers inthe government.

3.What are the components of a political party?

A political partyhas three components- A leader, Active members and The Followers.

4.Mention a few characteristics of a political party?

· Apolitical party agrees on important matters of public policy.

· Itaims to take part in the struggle for power.

· ItImplements its policies and programmes by constitutional means.

· Itshould have definite aims and objectives.

5.When is a political party recognized as a National party?

A party isrecognized as a state party in at least four states is recognized as a Nationalparty.


1.Givean account of the functions of political parties in a democratic country.

· Partiescontest elections.

· Partiesput forward their policies and programmes, before the voters.

· Partiesplay a decisive role in making laws.

· Theparty which wins majority in the elections becomes the ruling party and runsthe government those parties that lose the majority in the elections from theopposition.

· Partiesshape public opinion.

· Theyraise and highlight issues.

2.What are the three types of party system in the world? Explain with examples.

There are threetypes of Party system in type world namely,

1.Single party system:

Single party systemin which one ruling party is permitted. Eg. USSR

2.Bi-party system.

Two party system inwhich two major parties exists. Eg.USA, UK.

3.Multi party system.

Multi party systemin which there are more than two political parties. Eg. India, Sri Lanka.

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