1. The imaginary linesthat are drawn from the east to the west on a globe is called——


2. Longitude iscalled as the —————-

Greenwich Meridian

3. Map that showthe continents, countries, capitals is called as ——


II.Answer the following:

1. Which is a map?

· Amap is a representation of the earth or part of it and is drawn to scale onpaper on cloth.

2. Explain thematicmaps.

· Mapsthat show temperature, forest and mineral resources are drawn based on a theme.

Hence they arecalled Thematic maps.

Example: thetransport map of India and the Industrial map of Tamil Nadu.

3. What is thelatitudinal and longitudinal extent of India?

We locate Indiabetween 80N to 370 N latitudes and between 680E to 970 E longitudes.

4. Write the uses ofthe Maps.

· Itis used to locate the places.

· Itis used to locate resources that are found on earth.

· Itis helps the military to move its troops.

· Ithelps in planning.

· Ithelps us to know the movement of the satellite and planets in the sky.

· Itis used for teaching and learning in a class room.

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