I.Choose the correct answers:
1. The children arethe future pillars of our nation.
2. The Article 39in the constitution provides facilities for children to develop in a healthymanner.
3. The Governmentof India introduced the right to education on 1st April 2010.
4. The 72ndand 73rd Amendment Acts have provided 33% reservation of seats forwomen in the local bodies.
5. Swayam singhdeals with the socio economic development and empowerment of woman throughself-help group.
II.Fill in the blanks:-
1. The Juvenileinjustice act was amended in the year 2000.
2. The child lineservice aims at helping children during times of differenties and emergency.
3. The childmarriage restrait act of 1978 has increased the age of marriage to irls from 15to 18 years.
4. Tamilnadulegislature passed the prohibition of Eve-teasing law in 1997.
5. The familycounseling centres were started to give counseling for the victims facingsocial problems.
1. Article 45 —-free and compulsory education.
2. ICDS scheme —-to reduce rate of mortality
3. Children’s day—– 14th November
4. Dowryprohibition — 1961
5. Short stay home—- rehabilitions of girls.
IVAnswer the following:-
1. What doesarticle no 24 deal with?
Article 24 is a fundamental right. It deals with the right against exploitation and prohibition of child labour.
2. Name a few actspassed for the welfare of children.
Article 39(f) provides facilities for the children to develop in a healthy manner, provides for proper care forchild and youth, and provides protection against exploitation. Article 45provides for free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14years.
3. Which group ofchildren are given due recognition by our government on the republic day?
v The national child Award for exceptional achievement was instituted in 1996 to honor such children.
v Children between the age group of 4and 15 years are honoured with meritorious award on Republic day everyyear.
4.How do Article 23help women?
v Article23 prohibits trade of woman like commodities.
v Forcedlabour is made as an offence.
v Humantrafficking is made illegal.
v Womanis assumed the right against exploitation.
5. What does Dowryprohibition act law?
v Thedowry prohibition act of 1961 bans the custom of giving and receiving dowry.
v Thedowry prohibition amendment act of 1986 provides drastic punishments for thoseill-treating women in connection with dowry.
1. What are theschemes and programmes undertaken for the upliftment of child?
v Integratedchild development services (ICDS) scheme (1975) has the following objectives.
v Toimprove the health of children pregnant woman and feeding mother.
v Toreduce the rate of mortality and malnutrition and school dropout.
v Rajiv Gandhi National scheme for children of working mothers provides service to child of working by openingcrèches.
v Anintegrated programme for street children provides facilities like shelter,nutrition, healthcare, education and leisure facilities.
v Itprotects them from abuse and exploitation.
v Childlineservices aims of difficulties and emergencies. They also concentrate onchildcare and protection.
v Integratedchild protection scheme provides institutional as well as non institutionalsupport for children.
2. Give a detailedaccount of the economic empowerment schemes for women.
v Many schemes and program have been formulated to protect educate and uplift women in India.
v Thisprogramme was started in the year 1996 to provide employment for women inhandloom, handicrafts, khadi and village industries.
v The scheme was for the socio-economic development and empowerment of women through self help group,etc.
v These homes help to rehabilitate girls and women facing social, economic and emotional problems.
v Thesecenters give counseling to the victims facing social atrocities and familymal-adjustment.
v Girlsin the age group of 15 years and above who fail to complete their schooling dueto various reasons are given education and training in relevant skills.
v Thesecourses create job-opportunities for them and facilities their empowerment