I. Choosethe correct answer:
1. Gandhiji advocated a new techniquein our freedom struggle Sathyagraha
2. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru formedthe ______ party Swaraj
3. The Indian Constitution wasformally adopted on January 26, 1950
4. In 1932, the British Governmentannounced a scheme known as Communal award
5. The British Viceroy responsible forinvolving Indians in the Second World War was Linlithgow
6. To form the interim GovernmentNehru sought the help of Jinnah
7. First and last Indian GovernorGeneral of India is Rajagopalachari
8. The task of unifying Indian stateswas undertaken by SardarVallabai Patel
9. First President of India is Dr.Rajendra Prasad
II. Matchthe following:
1. Sardar Vallabhai Patel | Bismarck of India |
2. Pondicherry | French possession |
3. Goa | Portuguese possession |
4. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar | Drafting committee |
5. Lord Mount Batten | First Governor General of free India |
1. Motilal Nehru | Swarajya party |
2. Chauri Chaura | Uttar Pradesh |
3. Lion of Punjab | Lala Lajpat Rai |
4. Communal Award | Ramsay Mac Donald |
5. Frontier Gandhi | Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan |
III.Answer the following in brief:
1. What are the changes introduced bythe Government of India Act of
This act
(1) Introduced provincial autonomy,
(2) Abolished diarchy in theprovinces,
(3) Established Federal Government atthe Centre,
(4) The establishment of a federalcourt
(5) The establishment of a FederalReserve Bank.
2. What is the importance of theLahore session of the Muslim League?
Theimportance of the Lahore session of the Muslim League
- In March1940, at the League session of the Muslim League, the demand for a separatenation of Pakistan was made.
- MuhammadAli Jinnah put forth the “Two Nation Theory” that is, two different Nationsnamely India and Pakistan.
- A separatehome-land comprised of the Muslims were in majority.
3. What was the resolution passed inthe Lahore Session of the Congress in 1929?
The LahoreCongress-1929
- TheCongress met at Lahore under the Presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1929.
- Itdeclared Purna Swaraj or Complete Independence.
- Atmidnight on 31, December 1929, the tri colour flag was unfurled amidst theSlogans Vande Mataram.
- January26, 1930, was celebrated as Independence day.
- NowJanuary 26, 1950 celebrated as Republic Day.
4. Write a short note on the CabinetMission.
TheCabinet Mission (1946)
- In March1946 the cabinet mission under Pethick Lawrence, A.V. Alexander and SirStafford Cripps visited India to transfer of power.
- Thecommittee recommended Federal Government.
- Till theConstitution was ready an Interim Government be set up at the Centre.
5. Name the States comprised of Pakistan.
The Statescomprised of Pakistan
West Punjab, Sind, North West FrontierProvince and east Bengal and Sylhet district of Assam.
IV. Answerall the questions given under each caption:
[a] Whywas Simon Commission appointed?
To enquire into the working of the Actof 1919 and to suggest further measures to improve Indian administration.
[b] Whywas it an insult to the Indians?
All the members of this commissionwere English men. It did not have any Indian member. The fact that no Indianwas included to review the conditions and plans for the future of their owncountry was on insult to the Indians.
[c] Howwas Simon Commission greeted?
Go Back Simon.
[d] Namethe Indian leader who died during the Simon Commission agitation.
Lala Lajpat Rai.
[a] Whenwas the August offer an announced?
In 1940.
[b] Whatwas promised for India after Second World war?
Dominion Status for India, after thewar.
[c] Whywas the committee set up?
For framing the Indian Constitution.
[d] Whowould be appointed in the war council of the Viceroy?
[a] Whobecame the Governor General of India in 1947?
Lord Mount Batten.
[b] Whowas the last British Governor General?
Lord Mount Batten.
[c] Whatwas Mount Batten Plan?
According to this plan India had to bedivided into two independent countries namely Indian Union and the PakistanUnion. The Princely States were given the option to join remain independent.
[d] Whatwas the reaction of the Congress and Muslim League?
Both the Congress and the Muslimleague accepted this plan.
V. Answerthe following in a paragraph:
1. Explain the stages ofNon-co-operation Movement of 1920-22. Why was it suspended?
Non-CooperationMovement 1920-1922
The movement was started in 1920. Themovement was observed in three stages
Firststage: Indians who received titles and honours from the Britishrenounced the in protest
Secondstage: Large scale hartals were conducted schools and colleges wereboycotted
Thirdstage: The most important and final stage of the movement was nonpaymentof tax
TheChauri-Chaura incident on February 5, 1922 a procession of 1000peasants was organized.
The police fired at the peasants
The angry peasants attacked and burntthe police station killing 22 police men
Gandhiji was upset and suspended theNon co-operation movement immediately
2. Write a short note on SaltSathyagraha.
Note onSalt Sathyagraha
- Gandhistarted civil dis-obedience movement in 1930
- TheBritish government levied tax on common salt it hit the poor hard
- The civildisobedience movement was started on 12th March 1930.
- Gandhijiand 78 chosen followers including Sarojini Naidu left Sabarmati ashram to Dandito break the salt laws. It covered 400kms. This march is popularly known asDandi March
- The sloganvandematram echoed everywhere
- Gandhijibroke the salt laws by preparing salt from sea
- InTamilnadu C.Rajagopalachari organized a march from Trichy to Vedaranyam tobreak the salt laws
3. What is the importance of Three RoundTable Conference?
Importanceof Three Round Table Conference 1930:-
- TheBritish could not suppress the Civil Disobedience Movement.
- To solve the political dead lock, the Britishcalled the First Round Table Conference at London in 1930.
- It was notattended by the congress, It ended in failure.
- Anunderstanding was reached between Gandhi and Lord Irwin as Gandhi-IrwinPact-1931
The SecondRound Table Conference-1931
- Held inLondon. As no decision could be reached, it ended in failure.
- The CivilDisobedience Movement was once again revived.
- TheCommunal Award and Poona pact of 1932 to provide separate electorates for theminorities.
- Gandhijiprotested against this and went on a fast unto death.
ThirdRound Table Conference-1932
- Held inLondon.
- It endedin failure without the participation of the congress leaders.
4 Write a paragraph on Quit IndiaMovement.
Quit IndiaMovement-1942
- Thefailure of Cripps Mission brought about a change in Gandhi’s attitude.
- He askedfor the complete withdrawal of the British from India.
- Congressleaders felt that the presence of English in India would naturally invite Japanto invade India. Therefore Indians demanding the immediate withdrawal of theBritish from India.
- Gandhi’smemorable speech, “I am not going to be satisfied with anything of completefreedom. We shall do or die. We shall either free India or die in the attempt”.
- On thevery next day Gandhi, prominent leaders of the Congress were arrested.
- After thewar Atlee came to power in England. Atlee deputed a mission to find a solutionfor India’s problems.