I. Choosethe correct answer:
1. Natural Nutrient enrichment ofstreams and lakes is Eutrophication
2. The main cause for natural airpollution Volcanic eruption
3. Contamination of air is called Airpollution
II. Answerthe following questions:
1.What is Water pollution?
Water pollution is any chemical,physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effecton any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it.
2.List out the major Air pollutants.
The source of pollutants is bothnatural and man-made.
Volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, arethe natural causes of air pollution.
The man-made reasons for air pollutionare vehicular emission, thermal power plants, industries and refineries.
3.What is Noise pollution?
Human or machine created sound thatdisrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life is known as noisepollution.
4.What are the major causes of water pollution?
The major causes of water pollution
The first are disease-causing agents.These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms.
Second pollutant is oxygen demandingbacteria. This causes other organisms in the water such as fish to die.
The third class of water pollutants iswater soluble inorganic pollutants such as acids, salts and toxic metals.
5.What is bio diversity?
Biodiversity is the degree ofvariation of life forms within a given ecosystem.
Acquired land for mining affectsbiodiversity.
Environmental changes due to miningand dam constructions cause extinctions.
6.How pollution is caused due to bio-medical waste?
Pollution due to biomedical waste islikely to spread diseases dangerous to life.
Eg. The radiation of radio therapymachine cobalt-60 which was sent scarpyard caused death of a scarpyard workerin Delhi hospital.
7What is meant by pollution due to e-waste?
India produces about 3,80,000 tonnesof e-waste generated out of television sets, mobile phones, computers,refrigerators and printers. This is great threat for human as it isnon-degradable
III.Answer the following in a paragraph:
1. What are the effects of acid rain?
The effects of acid rain
- Acid rainskilled more than 70% of corals in Lakshadweep and Andaman islands.
- Microscopicorganisms such as plankton may not survive the food chain will be affected.
- If oceantemperature increases, growth of coral reefs will be affected.
- Otherecosystems such as forests and desert will also be harmed.
- Loss ofbio-diversity and extinction of rare species will occur.
- They alsochange the acidity level of the soil by leaching crucial nutrients. Thus itaffects forest vegetation.
- Coralscontrol carbon-di-oxide by turning CO2 in water to limestone shell.
2.What is smog? What are the effects of smog?
- Smog is acombination of the words smoke and fog.
- It causesa smoky dark atmosphere.
- Itdecreases visibility, and creates gaze throughout the area.
Automobiles, fires, waste treatment,oil production, industrial solutions, paints and coatings.
Theeffects of smog:-
- Smogcreates harmful health hazards like lung failure and pneumonia.
- Smog isnot only a city problem wind carry smog away from urban areas and harm otherareas too.
- Agricultureis also affected by smog.
3.Give a brief note on Acid rain.
- Acid rainwas first discovered in 1852 in London.
- Caused bygases given out by automobiles or coal burning by power plants.
- The gasesthat cause the acid rain is sulphur-di-oxide and nitrogen oxides.
- Thesepollutants combine with water vapour in the presence of sunlight and oxygen andform dilute sulphuric and nitric acids.
- When thesemixture precipitates from the atmosphere, it is called as acid rain.
- Acid rainfalls down to the earth in all forms of precipitation can harm destroy bothnatural ecosystems and man-made products.
- Acidrains, killed more than 70% of corals in Lakshadweep and Andaman islands.