1. Dravidan Hostel for nonBrahmin students was run by Dr. Natesa Mudhaliar
2. Dr.Muttulakshmiabolished Devadasi system
3. Self respect movementwas led by Periyaar.
4. First amendment to thefundamental rights for social reservation polishes to the state was brought byPandit Jawaharlal Nehru
5. Panchami land Actdistributes lands to Scheduled communities.
1. What are the inequalities of the society in Tamil Nadu.
Sudras and Panchamas weredeprived education, government jobs, right to temple entry, property and usageof public paths and water sheds.
Such a system resulted inexploitation of majority of people by the people of higher classes.
2. What are the results of the Bakthi Movement?
Due to bhakthi movementthe temple system became a major socio political economical factor.
The brahmins by invoking‘Agamas’ captured the priesthood in the rich temples.
3. Write a short on justice party.
Pitty Thiyagaraja chettyand Dr. T.M. Nair organized a socio political movement popularly known as theJustice party.
4. Who condemned the Varna and caste system?
The siddhas and RamalingaVallalar and Vaikundaswamy in Tamil Nadu disapproved caste system.
Mahatrma Phule and SahuMaharaj in Maharashtra, Narayana Guru in Kerala, Ayodhidasa Pandithar in TamilNadu condemned both varna and caste.
5. What is meant by self respect marriages?
It was started by E.V.R.He conducted a lot of self respected marriages, which means marriage withoutany rituals.
6. Define child labor.
Child labor means aworking child who is between 6 and 15 years of age, not attending school duringthe day, and working under an employer or learning some trade.
1. Write some of the social issues in Tamil Nadu.
- Socialdivisions exist in every country.
- ButIndia’s caste system is a unique one.
- Heresocial status, responsibilities, social religious privileges and occupationalpositions have been determined by birth.
- Largesections of manual workers have been termed as Sudras and Panchamas.
- Sucha system, resulted in exploitation of majority of people by the people ofhigher castes.
2. Write a note on Untouchability.
- Untouchabilityin India is worse than slavery and ‘Apartheid’.
- Untilthe advent of the British rule and during the British rule the untouchableswere treated as out castes.
- Theywere not only untouchables but also unseeable, unapproachable, and they had noright to education, to residence in general villages and towns, to use publicpath and watersheds, to enter temples.’
- Evenin the early 20th century Panchamas and sometimes Sudras were notallowed to use the public transport and public restaurants.
- InTamil Nadu Ayothiadsas Pandithar suggested conversions to Buddhism.
3. What was the government provision to child labor prevention?
- Article24 of the Indian constitution mentions explicitly that no child below the ageof 14 shall be employed to work in any factory or mine.
- Atleast 13 major legislative enactments for children have been made.
- FactoriesAct of 1948, Mines Act of 1952 were brought in different states.
- Freeand compulsory primary education midday meal schemes are meant to reduce thechild labor.
4. Write a note on Transgender in Tamil Nadu.
- Theterm transgender (TG) was popularized in the 1970’s describing people whowanted to live cross gender without sex reassignment surgery.
- TamilNadu became the first state in the country to recognize transgender as aseparate gender and issue ration card to them.
- Membersof the Transgender community in Chennai launched the matrimonial website fortheir clan.
- Trans-womenby birth are not physically woman.
- Butby soul and heart, they consider themselves women.
- TamilNadu is the only state in India that has given a gender status to transsexual.
5. Describe briefly about the unorganized labor.
- Theunorganized sector workers include agricultural laborers, small and marginalfarmers, forest workers, fisher fold, beedi rollers, garment markers,construction workers etc.
- Havingno fixed employer and no labor protective arrangements.
- Unorganizedwomen labor is another social issue.
- Attemptsare being made to improve the service conditions of the domestic helps.
- Balawadis,anganwadis are being promoted to take care of children.