1. Which was the birthplace of renaissance?
2. Who was responsible forreformation?
MartinLuther King
3. In which yearConstantinople was captured by the Turks?
4. Who painted the famouspainting ‘mono lisa’?
Leonardada vinci
5. Who founded a religiousorder society of Jesus?
6. In which year vasco dagama reached Calicut?
1.Renaissance in Italy
a) Which is the school ofEurope?
b) Who was the first greatpioneer of classical art?
c) Who was the doctor ofCharles V, wrote seven books?
Andrew Vesalius
d) Who was noted for hismastery of colour?
a) What was the immediatecause for the Lutheran revolt?
Sale and indulgence
b) Who were called ‘protestants’?
Followers of Lutheran
c) What were thesacraments reduced from seven to three?
Baptism, marriage andcommunion
d) Who was Johann Tetzel?
3.Society of Jesus
a) Who founded the societyof Jesus?
Ignatius Loyala
b) In which year it wasfounded?
c) How many members(Jesuits) enrolled in the society of Jesus?
d) Who were the agents inpropagating the counter reformation?
4.New discoveries
a) Who named cape of goodhope?
Bartholomew Diaz
b) What was the name ofthe Christopher Columbus discovery?
The New World
c) What were the names ofthe Christopher Columbus’s three ships?
The santa maria, the ninaand the pinta
d) Which Portugueseexplorer named pacific ocean?
Ferdinand Magellan
1. What are the two broad division in the Renaissance movement?
The two broads division inthe Renaissance movement are humanistic phase or the revival of classicallearning and literature and regulation of classical art.
2. Write a short note on paintings.
Leonardo Davinci famouspaintings are Mona Lisa and Last supper.
Raphael was famous for hispaintings for Madonnas.
Titan was noted for themastery of colour.
3. What was the important scientific invention during Renaissanceperiod?
Copernicus discovered thatthe earth moves around the sun.
Galileo perfected thetelescope.
Newton discovered the lawof gravitation.
4. Define Renaissance.
Renaissance means revivalor rebirth, the age of reason marks the revival of classical Greeks and romanspirit.
5. Define the council of trend.
It aimed at reforming theCatholic church.
Thought it failed to bringabout unity in Christendom, it gave a clear definition to catholic doctrine
After the council oftrend, the pop was recognized as the supreme arbiter in religious matter.
6. What were the effects of new voyages?
In order to root outheresy, the church court inquisition meted out brutal punishment.
The Spanish inquisition wasfounded during the time of Ferdinand and Isabella.
The church also preparedan index of hierarchal books and passages hierarchal writing were prohibitedfor the believers.
1. Write a paragraph on Humanism during the Renaissance period.
A shift from God centeredand church centered literary activities to human centered literacy trends areknown as Humanism.
In the medieval age, owingto the influence of the Church, the spirit of spiritualism, escapism andworship of God. People began to think more of the other world than this one.
2. What were the results of the Renaissance?
The study of classicallanguages developed a spirit of enquiry in the minds of people.
Renaissance created apassion for reason in the minds of the people.
The Renaissance kind ledthe creative talents of the people and slowly paved the way for many inventionsand discoveries.
The study of the historybecome more scientific.
The Renaissance resultedin humanism noted for its sympathetic and devoted approach to mankind.
3. What were the services of Martin Luther against corruptedpractice of the Roman Catholic Church?
In 1517, Martin Luthernailed his protest against the indulgence in the form of 95 theses to the doorof the Wittenberg church in Saxony.
His protest theses weretranslated, copied and circulated widely in printed form.
In 1520, Luther publishedThree pamphlets
1. An address to thenobility of the German nation.
2. On the Babyloniancaptivity of the church and
3. The freedom of theChristian of the man.
4. Write a note on the inquisition and the Index.
In order to root ourheresy, the church court inquisition it meted brutal punishments
The Spanish inquisitionsas founded the time of Ferdinand and Isabella.
The church also preparedan index of hierarchical books and passages Hierarchical writing wereprohibited for the believers.
5. What were the causes for the geographical discoveries?
The age of Renaissance andhad removed medieval ideas.
It fostered a spirit ofadventure among the people of Europe to explore unknown distant lands invarious parts of the world.
Scientists discovered thatthe earth is spherical in shape.
The invention of Mariner’scompass was the most significant one.