I.Choosethe best answer:-

1. Md-bin-Qasim wassent to conquer Sind.

2. Md of Ghaznidefeated Jaipala.

3. Somanath templewas plundered by Md of Ghazni in 1025A.D.

4. In the firstBattle of Tarine Md of Ghori was defeated by Prithivi raj.

5. The commander ofMd of Ghori was Qutb-ud-din Aibak.

IIFill in the blanks:-

1. Probhet Mohamedwas the founder of Islam.

2.Mohamed-bin-Qasim invaded Sind in 712A.D.

3. In the secondbattle of Tarain Mohamed of ghori killed Prithiviraj.

4.Mohamed-bin-Baktiyar- khilji captured Nadia in Bengal.

5. Mohamed of Ghoriwas considered to be the real founder of a Turkish Empire in India.

IIIMatch the following:-

1. Al-hajaji –Governor of Iraq.

2. Multan – City ofgold.

3. Sabudktigin –Ruler of Ghazni

4. Somnath temple –Kathiawar

5. Firdaus –Scholar

IV.Answer the following:-

1.Write a note on the administrative system of Arabs Sind.

v Mohamed-bin-Qasimdivided Sind and Multan into a number of Iqtas and districts.

v Arabmilitary officers were appointed as heads of the Iqtas.

v LocalHindu officers were allowed to administer that the sub-divisions of thedistricts.

2. Who dismissedMohamed-bin-Qasim and why?

v Caliphsulaiman dismissed Mohamed-bin-qusim.

v Hewas an arch enemy of AL-hajjaj, the governor of Iraq.

3.Who were the rulers defeated by Mohamed of Ghazni?

v Mohamedof Ghazni defeated Jaipala, the ruler of the Hindu Shahi dynasty , Fateh Daud

of Multan andAnadpala of Nagarkot.

v Healso crushed the Chandelas, the rulers of Mathura, Kanouj and Gwalior.

4.What were the regions invaded and captured by Mohamed of ghori?

v Ghoricaptured multan and uch.

v Hesubjucated lower Sind in 1182 A.D.

v In1185 A.D. He invaded Punjab and captured the fortress of Sialkot.

v In1186 A.D. he besieged Lahore.

5.Why was the battle of Chandwar important in the history of India?

v Inthe battle of Chanwar, Jaichand was struck in the eye by an arrow and he waskilled

by Mohamed ofGhori.

v Thevictory at Chandwar helped Mohamed of Ghori to extend further into India.

V.Answer in detail:-

1.Write in detail the Arab conquest of Sind and Multan and its effects on India.

v Commercialcontacts prevailed between India and Arabia for a long time.

v Therewere many causes for the conquest of Sind.

v Theywanted to extend their political and religious control over it.

v Mohamed-bin-Qasimwas sent by Al-Hajjaj the Governor of Caliph walid to conquer Sind.

v Hemarched against Dahir the ruler of sind defeated him in the battle of Rewar andcaptured Sind.

v Healso captured Multan.

v Hegot so much of wealth from muttan that he called Multan The City of Gold.


v Theconuest of sind sowed the seeds for their coming of Islam into India.

v TheArabs learnt the art of administration, astronomy, music, painting, medicineand

architecture fromour land.

v Indianphilosophy numerals and astronomy were taken to Europe by the Arabs.

6.Give an account of the first and second Battle of Tarain.

First battle ofTarain.

v In1189 A.D. Mohamed.of Ghori captured the fortress of Bhatinda and advanced intothe

kingdom ofPrithiviraj Chauhan the Rajput ruler.

v Prithivirajmarched and defeated him with a large force and defeated Mohamed of Ghori

in the Battle oftarain in 1191AD.

Second battle ofTarain:

v Mohamedof Ghori re-enforced himself and marched against prithivi for the second timein 1192.

v Hegave a crushing defeat to the combined forces of the Rajput rulers underPrithiviraj at Tarain.

v Prithivirajwas imprisoned and later put to death.

v Thesecond battle of Tarain marked in the beginning of the Turkish rule in theheart in Indian Hindustan for the first time in indian history.

v Mohamed of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak his commander.

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