1. Hippocrates was called father ofmedicine.
2. The Egyptian king was called asPharaoh.
3. The Sumerian calendar based onseven days in a week.
4. Gun powder was invented by Chinese.
5. The Egyptian civilization grewalong the Nile Rivers.
1. Pyramids – Egypt.
2. Great wall – China.
3. Hanging garden – Babylon.
4. All roads lead to – Rome.
5. Greece – Hilly region.
a. Who built the great Pyramid ofGaze?
b. What was the Egyptian King called?
c. How did the Egyptians preserve thedead bodies?
Honey and medicinal plants.
d. What is pyramid?
Tombs of pharaohs.
a. What was known as the “sorrow ofChina”?
Hwang-ho (or) yellow river.
b. Name the great philosophers ofChina?
Confucius and Lao-tse.
c. Which was the popular drink inChina?
d. Who built the Great wall of China?
1.How was the Egyptian society divided?
The Egyptian society was composed ofinto Aristocracy, the middle class and the slaves.
2.Write a note on hanging garden?
- TheChaldean empire reached the zenith of its prosperity during the reign byNebuchad mezzo.
- He builtthe famous “Hanging garden” which is considered as one of the wonders ofancient India.
3.Name the two epics of the Greek?
The lilac and odyssey are the greatepics written by a blind poet Homer.
Herodutus, Thucydides and Plutarch arefamous biographers of ancient Greece.
4.Mention two important contributions of the Chinese to the World?
The hot beverage “TEA” is a gift tomodern world.
The great wall of China measured2880km in length, it is considered as one of the contributions of the Chinesebuilt by emperor Chin-she-huang-Ti.
1. What were the gifts of China to themodern world?
- TheChinese developed a pictographic script and later brought out many changes init.
- Theirwriting was done on bones or tortoise shells with the help of some sharpinstrument.
- In 2ndcentury A. D they invented paper.
- Silkpieces were also used for writing.
- Ink wasinvented in 5th century A. D.
- TheChinese pencils were made of bamboo.
- Some ofthe valuable scientific discoveries own their origin to ancient china.
- Theoriesof lunar and solar eclipse were also developed.
- They madesome scientific inventions like the water mill, the mariner’s compass, gunpowder and paper currency.
- Ananatomical study of human bodies was popular.
- Inmathematics they introduced the abacus method.
2.Write a note on the contribution of Romans to civilization?
- In thefield of science, the Romans, improved the Medical science, pliny, the elderwrote a natural history which contains scientific facts.
- Ptolemy, agreat astronomer and geographer lived in the Roman empire.
- Galen wasthe greatest Physician of his time.
- He studiedthe respiratory system and related diseases and wrote number of medicaltreatises.
- The worldis indebted to the Roman’s for their share in the march of human civilization.
- The Romansacted as agents to spread and preserve much of what the ancient Greeks had leftbehind as their legacy.
- The Latinlanguage, the concept of Pax Romagna the military system, works of engineeringand codified law are precious contributions of the Romans to the worldcivilizations.