I. Choosethe correct answer:

1. Tea, coffee, rubber, pepperand cashew are plantation crops

2. Agriculture is the primary traditional occupation

3.  Dry farming type of farming is known asmanavari in Tamil Nadu.

4.  Well type of irrigation is most predominate irrigation system in Tamil Nadu

5. Tamil Nadu rice research instituteis in aduthurai


1. Rearing ofbirds- poultry

2. Rearing of silk worms-sericulture

3. Rearing ofhoney bees- apiculture

4. Growingfruits-horticulture

5. thuthukudi –leading port in fishexport


1. what do you mean by subsistence intensivefarming?

  • Farmingthat is carried on small land holdings that produces food crops for localconsumption and not for external trade is known as subsistence intensivefarming.
  • Mostfarmers in Tamil Nadu practice subsistence intensive farming.

2. Write short note on a) mixedfarming b) plantation farming c) market gardening

A) MixedFarming

Mixed farming is one where in landallotted for more than one activity along with agriculture

B)Plantation Farming

Plantation farming is yet another typeof farming where crops are grown on large farms or estate.

C) MarketGardening

Market gardening includes horticultureand floriculture they are grown on the large scale and supplied to the urbanmarket for export purposes.

3. Namethe factors influencing agriculture

The factors influencing agriculturemay be classified as physical, social and economic factors

The physical factors include soil,temperature, rainfall, humidity, climate and slopes of land.

The social factors includetraditional, knowledge, belief, and myths of farmers, farm size and holdingsand farmers acceptance towards innovation.

4. Bringout the significance of Kallanai in Tamil Nadu

Kallanai built around first century byKarikalan is still in use.

It is considered to be the oldestwater regulatory structure in the world.

The grand anaicut build across theriver kaveri near thiruchirapalli diverts the water to the entire delta regionthrough canals.

5. Difference between wet farming anddry farming.

Wet farming Dry farming
Water supply is available throughout the year from rainfall for irrigation Farming is carried out only during rainy season without irrigation.
Rice and sugarcane are grown Ragi and millets are grown
Most river basins Tamil Nadu practice this type of farming Drier region of Vellore Thiruvannamalai, Ramanadhapuram, Thirunelveli practice this type of farming.

6. Difference between marine fishingand deep sea fishing

Marine fishing Inland fishing
It is carried out in the oceans and seas It is carried out in lakes rivers, ponds, estuaries, back waters and swamps.
Large mechanized boats are used for fish catching. Catamaran, diesel boats, floating net cages are used.
Fish varieties are sharks, flying fish, counch, cat fish, silver bellies and crabs. Fish varieties are catla, rogue, mirkal, eel and calabaashu.


1.Describe the cropping seasons of Tamil Nadu.

Cropping seasons of Tamil Nadu can begrouped as sornavari, samba, navarai.

A) Sornavari is the otherwise known askharif season.

  • The seedsare sown during may and harvested in October.
  • The monthof may coincide with tamil month chitthirai.
  • It is alsoknown as chitthirai pattam.

B) Samba is otherewise known as summerseason

  • The seedsare sown in the month of july which coincides with
  • The monthof aadi.
  • It isharvested in January.
  • Thisseason is reffered to as aadi pattam in Tamil Nadu.

C) Navarai seeds are sown in the monthof November.

  • It isharvested in march.
  • Thisseason is nowmn as karthigai pattam
  • The tamilmonth kathigai coincides with month of November.

2. Write aparagraph about inland fishing.

  • Fishingcarried out in lakes, rivers, ponds,estuaries,back waters and swamps is calledinland fishing.
  • Catamaran(small wooden boats) , diesel boats, and floAting net cages are used.
  • Fishvarieties are catla, rogue, mirkal, eel, and calabaashu.
  • The statehas three hectares of inland water,63000 hectares of estuaries, back waters andthe swamps.
  • Oystersand prawns are cultured inorganized nurseries ennore and pulicat lake forexport.
  • Theestimated inland fish production for the year 2007 to 2008 was 164,504 tonnes.
  • Thevellore district ranks first among the districts with 10% of inland fishingproduction of the state.
  • Cudallore,sivagangai and virudhunagar stand second with 9% of inland fish catch.

3. Writeabout the changing trends in agriculture in Tamil Nadu

  • Traditionmethod of agriculture is slowly being replaced by scientific and technicalmethods.
  • Agriculturaluniversity in Coimbatore and MS. Swaminathan research foundation in Taramani,Chennai are actively involved in fusing traditional with modern methods.
  • A fewrecent agricultural innovative trends are MICRO irrigation, integrated pestcontrol management(IPM) , growing blue green algae and azolla, precision formingthrough remote sensing, geographical information system and global positioningsystem.
  • Increasein organic matter will increase the water holding capacity of the soil.
  • This willsupport the microbial activity and hasten the nutrient absorption capacity ofroots.

4. Mention the efforts taken by thegovernment in improving agriculture in the state.

Effortstaken by government to improve agriculture are

  • Thegovernment supplies quality and certified seeds to the farmers.
  • Theorganic matter and micro nutrients are supplied at subsidized rate.
  • Freeelectricity is provided to small and marginal farmers for about 6 to 8 hours aday.
  • Governmentfixes the prices for agricultural products to safe guard the farmers fromfinancial crisis.
  • Farmersmarket (uzhavar santhai) enhances the farmers to get better share of prices atsame time consumers to get agricultural produce at affordable prices.
  • Cropinsurance scheme has been introduced.
  • Governmenthas set up agricultural export zones in nilgiris and krishnagiri
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